Mental Health8 Steps to a Balanced Life

ReBourne Wellness

8 Steps to a Balanced Life

A well-balanced life is something we all strive for. When we are out of balance, we feel pulled in a thousand different directions, our brains bouncing from our ever-so-quickly approaching deadlines at work, to drinks with the girlfriends tomorrow night, to the three loads of laundry we’ve been frantically rummaging through to find a pair of clean (and if we’re lucky, matching) socks every morning. 

That’s a lot of balancing to do, so I’ve compiled 8 helpful steps you can take to bring some balance back into your life.

A Crash Course to Balance

1. Do some self-care. The key to bringing balance into your life begins with you. If you are out of balance, your life will be too. Look inward; consider what you need to feel at peace. Start your mornings with simple affirmations that restore harmony to your chaotic mind. Journal to carefully tune into what your body and mind might be telling you, and reflect on those things that tell you “Hey! We aren’t feeling very balanced over here!” Be gentle with yourself along the way; establishing balance takes time. 

2. Breathe. No, but seriously: just breathe. Our bodies are quite literally brought into balance when we return that calm, conscious breath to our lungs. Paying close attention to our breathing can snap our minds into this soothing space of awareness. Try meditating for five minutes every night before bed. Sit up tall, close your eyes, and steadily breathe in and out of your nose. Practice the art of sitting still and focus on how breathing feels

3. Get your body moving! It doesn’t have to be an Olympic-level workout routine for it to be valuable to your body and mind. Do a vinyasa yoga flow, go for a run, walk to grab a coffee on a breezy Saturday morning. Exercising can be simple, just get those endorphins flowing. Your body and mind will thank you for it. 

4. Be intentional with your time. If this means you have to bust out the permanent Sharpie marker to carve out time in your daily planner or create an event on iCalendar, then do it! Spend your time doing things that feed your soul. Let your nightly mindless scroll through Instagram take the backseat; instead, pick up the dusty book on your nightstand that you’ve always intended to read. Deliberately prioritize your morning routine before diving headfirst into work. You’ll feel more productive, while bringing balance into your life. 

5. Draw a clear line between your personal and work life. Yes, I know; this is easier said than done. We all too often sit idly by as the line between our nine-to-five and our free time inevitably blurs, as we get burnt out in a culture that places so much value on the grind. We lose control of our boundaries, which throws us out of balance. Focus on staying present when you are spending time with your loved ones. Turn your work email notifications off once you leave the office. News Flash: You might just be surprised to see both your personal and work relationships flourish as you spend time in the NOW

6. Be mindful of the world around you. Practice gratitude. Ground yourself in nature. You’ll begin to notice the sheer amount of beauty in this world of ours, and everything is in its own perfect balance. We’re human; we’re natural beings. Nature has the ability to help us discover our greater purpose and meaning, bringing balance back into our lives as we gain a heightened awareness of the environments that surround us. For more information on mindfulness, read here

7. Heal your relationship with money. As much as you probably hate thinking about it, rarely a day goes by where we don’t think about money. Financial stress happens to each and everyone of us; it is enough to have us wavering on our perfectly balanced tightrope. Create a plan to achieve your financial goals. If you want to travel to Europe tomorrow, start budgeting for your dreams today. 

8. Go to therapy. Reframing your mindset to one of grace is a large part of reclaiming balance in your life. A mental health professional can help you navigate the sources of your imbalances, walking alongside you as you set healthy goals that will bring you closer to living a balanced life. 

Balance can be tricky to achieve, as much as we wish it wasn’t. But it is possible. If you are seeking balance and working to rid yourself of the pressure and instability that comes with living an imbalanced life, please do not hesitate to reach out for guidance.


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